Dog Jumps In Police Officer's Car, With A Note On Her Collar Tells Heartbreaking Story
When the police received a report, about a dog they discovered a heart wrenching note attached to her collar revealing her story.
Officers from the Platteville Police Department in Wisconsin were alerted about a dog spotted in Moundview Park. Upon arriving at the scene one of the officers was approached by the dog seemingly seeking assistance.
According to a post on their Facebook page the dog even hopped into the officers patrol car. It was then that they noticed a note fastened to her collar;
"Please help " read the note. "Take me to a shelter. My name is Lola."
While the exact circumstances remain unclear it appears that Lola had been abandoned by her owners. The police are now reaching out to the public for any information that could lead them to Lolas owners and enable them to have a conversation.
It is always distressing to witness situations where dogs are left behind; however it is important not to make judgments. Given the content of the note some speculate that Lolas owner might be facing difficulties and unable to care for her.
"You never know what people may be going through... Perhaps they are experiencing homelessness or financial constraints " commented one individual, on the post.
"Perhaps the individuals who left Lola behind had intentions albeit not the decision. Maybe they felt it was their option, at the time. Nevertheless we're relieved to know that Lola is now being cared for at the Platteville Vet Clinic and is available for adoption.
If you're in the area and interested in providing a home for Lola you can contact the clinic at 608 349 6726 to obtain information.
It's truly heartbreaking to witness any dog abandoned on the streets like this. Clearly Lola was desperate for assistance. We take solace in knowing that she is now receiving care. We sincerely hope she will find a loving family soon!
Please share this story to help raise awareness, about Lola!"