This what happens to our bodies when drinking warm lime water for 7 days
When I was a child my mother always told me that adding a slice of lemon to my tea could help boost my system. She also recommended drizzling some lemon juice over salads to enhance the flavor and nutritional value of the vegetables. Additionally she has been drinking lemon water every morning for the few years and has been trying to convince me to do the same.
Why should I trade my hot morning coffee for acidic water? After conducting research it seems there might be some truth, to it! Starting the day with a glass of lemon water may have benefits than I previously thought.
You did well mother! Read the section below to discover what happened when I tried drinking lemon water for a week.
What are the advantages of drinking warm lemon water in the morning?
While the internet is filled with claims that warm lemon water can work wonders like balancing pH levels and promoting healing these claims aren't entirely accurate. Lemons vitamins and acids do possess these properties. You would need a larger quantity to notice a significant difference.I'll give you a rundown of the health benefits of starting your day with a warm lemon water. You can find information in this article.
1. Boost to the Immune System
Lemons are packed with immune boosting vitamin C and your body absorbs nutrients effectively in the morning. So having lemon water in the morning can gently give your system a little boost. According to the Mayo Clinic it's a way to feel better when you're not feeling well.
2. Improved Digestion
When you sleep your liver works hard. It's important to hydrate and support it when you wake up. Drinking plenty of water in the morning. Adding citrus like lemon juice can stimulate the production of stomach acid and bile.
3. Easier Digestion
Research has shown that drinking lemon water, in the morning can stimulate your system. This means that any food you eat after drinking lemon water will be easier to digest and its nutrients will be absorbed efficiently. According to the National Library of Medicine lemons have properties that promote health.
4. Slight Boost, to Metabolism
Since lemon water stimulates the system it also naturally increases your metabolic rate.To enjoy the benefits of a metabolism and maintain a weight the Centers, for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends replacing sugary drinks with lemon water.
One of the advantages of lemon water is its potential to enhance skin health. Along with benefits the presence of vitamin C in lemons can stimulate collagen production resulting in healthier looking skin over time.
Starting your day with a soothing cup of lemon water can be quite relaxing. The warmth of the water relaxes your body internally while the lemon adds its touch of magic known for its calming effects. Using water in the morning can be jarring to your system and may not be as beneficial. Additionally warm water enhances the citrus flavor making it more enjoyable.
I have noticed some small spots on my arms that I suspect might be related to a food intolerance although I'm uncertain of the cause. With the summer season, in swing my hope is that incorporating lemon water into my morning routine will help clear up these spots leaving my skin healthy and blemish free.
Preparing lemon water is as simple as it sounds. Sure here's the rewritten text;
This is all you'll need;
Half of a lemon
Filtered water, at room temperature
A splash of boiling water (optional)
A mug
Step 1; Squeeze the juice from the lemon into the mug. You can use a lemon squeezer or simply your hands. Be sure to remove any seeds that may fall into the mug.
Step 2; Fill most of the mug with filtered water. If desired you can add a splash of boiling water. Just keep in mind that cold water might be a bit of a shock to your system!
Step 3; Enjoy the concoction like a pro! It is suggested to drink one cup every morning on a stomach for health benefits. Lets see what this does for me!
My Experience with Warm Lemon Water; Day 1
For my day of experimenting I used a small mug despite having a large lemon. Additionally since it was a morning I opted for lukewarm to warm water following my research, which indicated it would be just as effective.
To my surprise the drink turned out to be more sour than anticipated and immediately woke me up! However I'm still unsure about the benefits of consuming content, on an empty stomach.
I didn't really notice any changes except, for feeling a bit queasy.
Day 2 of my lemon water experiment;
Today I decided to opt for a cup hoping it would make the drink less sour. From my research I learned that the quantity of water doesn't really matter long as you use at half a lemon.
The trick worked! The drink was still slightly sour. It wasn't as bad as before. This time of gulping it down I sipped on it while preparing my breakfast.
Day 3 of my lemon water experiment;
Today I tried making the drink with water of room temperature water. Surprisingly this change greatly improved the taste.. I still experienced that wake up feeling in my body! From now on I'm sticking to lemon water only.
Day 4 of my lemon water experiment;
I must admit I'm starting to get accustomed to the taste of lemon water, in the morning. It gives me a jolt of wakefulness. Could this potentially replace coffee?
Besides that I haven't noticed any effects.
Warm Lemon Water Experiment Day 5
Yesterday evening I decided to dine at a restaurant and indulged in a variety of mouthwatering, oily dishes. As a result of my overindulgence I woke up this morning feeling quite stuffed and bloated.
However having a glass of lemon infused water instantly revitalized my stomach. I began to feel much better. It's safe to say that the positive effects of this beverage were quite evident this morning!
Drinking Warm Lemon Water; Day 6
I must admit that incorporating lemon water into my morning routine is becoming increasingly enjoyable. I can feel its impact, on my system and it manages to wake up my body as soon as I finish my glass.
Sometimes I even contemplate replacing my morning coffee with lemon water. But lets be real it's thinking because how could I possibly survive without my beloved cup of coffee?
Drinking Warm Lemon Water; Day 7
This morning instinctively I found myself preparing lemon water instead of starting the day with a coffee as usual. It seems like this is slowly becoming a ritual!
Enough the taste of lemon water doesn't seem, as tangy anymore. Perhaps it's because my body now anticipates it as the flavor of the day.
Like on the day it really wakes me up and gets my tummy rumbling for breakfast. I'm starting to develop a liking, for this way to kickstart my day!
Are the claimed benefits of drinking lemon water real? After experimenting with it for a week I can confidently say that some of the effects are indeed noticeable.
Unfortunately my skin hasn't cleared up yet. I haven't lost hope. I've come across information suggesting that it might take a bit time to see improvements in that area.
However the internal effects have been quite noticeable from day one. My digestion has. My energy levels have gone up. It's undoubtedly one of the most effective ways to wake up in the morning!
I'm determined not to give up on this habit because I'm genuinely enjoying the changes its bringing to my body. I can only imagine the long term improvements that could come from sticking with it.
Props to my mom, who has been trying to educate me about this for ages. I guess moms really do know what's best huh?
If you decide to give lemon water a try, in the mornings (and you definitely should) don't forget to share this article with your friends!