Rescuers See Something Yellow On Chimp's Head Can't Believe Who It Turned Out To Be.
September was rescued in 2002 after being kept captive in someone's backyard. Nowadays she resides in the sanctuary of Save the Chimps, where she enjoys space to play, learn and express herself. Her caregivers discover things about her each day including her favorite hobby.
Despite having spent two decades at the sanctuary September recently developed a habit. Whenever she comes inside for meals her caregivers noticed that she brings along some companions; bees. Intrigued by this behavior the staff decided to review the security footage. Were surprised to find September near some flowers attempting to catch bees.
Rebecca Muscat, Septembers care technician shared her experience of witnessing September catching a bee; "We were curious, about where she found them until I saw her catch one myself. She allows them to crawl on her body and carefully places them back on her head or gently tucks them into her ear for safekeeping.
When she lies down she observes as they crawl across her belly. If they wander far or become out of reach she guides them back, to the top of her body."
The presence of these bees seems to bring solace to SeptemberThey're, like her companions for support and her caretakers thoroughly enjoy observing her interactions with them whenever they have the chance.
"The bees serve as an illustration of how chimpanzees possess individuality and cognitive awareness beyond what we usually acknowledge. That's why it's one of my topics to discuss " Muscat explained.
September has always exhibited creativity and perceptiveness and her bond, with her bee companions is one small part of the incredible person she is.
"September is a intelligent and distinctive chimpanzee and this instance exemplifies why " Muscat emphasized.