Man Shared 'Ultrasound' Showing His Dog In His Womb As A Proof That His Dog Is His Daughter

People treat pets as family members as they live with them all the time, go with them almost everywhere, and spend the good and bad moments with them. For one dog owner called Javier, his dog is not just a family member, the owner claimed that she is his own daughter!

The man shared a video on TikTok to let people know how much he loves his dog, Pepa, claiming that she was in his womb before being born, which means that he is her biological dad! You can see in the video below an ultrasound shows the dog in the man's belly.

The video went viral directly getting thousands of likes, views, and comments with many people commented on it expressing how funny it is. While some other said that it is a great lesson to anyone, who thinks about abandoning their pets! What a great idea! Watch the video below.

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