Owner Makes The Sweetest Thing For His Deformed Dog
His skull didn't fully develop when he was born. I crafted a helmet for him to protect his head from injuries. Mr. Muggles has hydrocephalus, which is caused by the accumulation of fluid leading to pressure, on the brain.
It seems that the breeder gave up on Mr. Muggles because of his hydrocephalus and that's when Road Dog stepped in. One of their volunteers had rescued him from a situation. Nursed him back to health before his foster mom, Bella took over.
Can you believe it? I reached out to Road Dogs. Traveled there since dogs with hydrocephalus can't fly due to the pressure on their brains. So I drove for 17 hours all the way from LA to Seattle with Mr. Muggles sitting in the passenger seat.
Hydrocephalus conditions can vary greatly among dogs. Developmentally he's a bit simple minded. Has things he loves doing while being less enthusiastic about others. Many dogs, with this condition have lifespans. My previous dog had a severe case and still enjoyed a great life for six years.
Mr. Muggles is kind hearted. Loves snuggling up on your lap. He's mostly a dog overall—a truly good companion indeed.
He has two openings, on the top of his head.
I decided to create a customized helmet for him. Most dog helmets available in the market lack proper padding, which I believe is crucial. My background lies in the industry.
I used his head as a template. Crafted a stencil to ensure padding. Then I skillfully applied carbon fiber by hand to create the helmet you see today with cushioning. He wears it whenever he's not resting on my lap or freely exploring.
This helmet is currently a prototype. My plan is to develop a version with the hope that he will continue wearing it since his cranial openings will never fully close posing a lifelong risk.
In a way I have to be like a parent, at all times. The helmet truly provides him with freedom and gives me peace of mind. He experiences no pain or discomfort. Enjoys life to its fullest. Enough I don't think he realizes he has any condition at all which is wonderful.
He had the ability to elevate a day to a better one or transform a gloomy day into a joyous one simply through his presence and spending time with him. It's crucial for me to provide love, compassion and care to dogs, with needs.
These dogs are the embodiment of love. They may face challenges in life. Helping them overcome those obstacles and succeed in even the simplest tasks is incredibly rewarding. It's absolutely worth every effort and investment.