Orphaned Baby Walrus Rescued In Alaska, Received Cares And Cuddles By Rescuers
Certain wild animals require the care and protection of humans the ones who have no family to look after them. Presently a baby walrus is receiving all the care (and cuddles) after being rescued.
According to a press release, from the Alaska Sea Life Center in Seward, Alaska workers on Alaskas North Slope stumbled upon a one month walrus calf. It was quite unusual to find a walrus in that area. Nobody knew how it managed to wander far inland.
The concerning aspect was that this young walrus was by itself. Walrus calves rely on their mothers for care during their two years of life. It was apparent that this little one would not survive long without assistance.
Therefore the Alaska Sea Life Center collaborated with Alaska Clean Seas and ConocoPhillips Alaska to ensure that this young walrus received care.
While the ASLC frequently provides care for animals such as seals and sea lions walruses are more uncommon. This case marks the time in four years that they have had a walrus patient and only the tenth admission in their 25 year history. They consider it an extraordinary case and a unique opportunity, for everyone involved.
"We're fortunate that his first night went smoothly " stated Jane Belovarac, Wildlife Response Curator, at ASLC in a press release. "It's not often that we have the opportunity to admit a walrus calf. Each time we do we gain insights about the species and how to properly care for them."
Upon the walruss arrival on August 1st a medical examination revealed signs of malnutrition, dehydration and a cloudy eye. The walrus was also found to be dehydrated and potentially battling an infection.
To address these issues round the clock care was provided to the walrus with efforts made by ASLC staff to replicate care in order to keep him calm through cuddling." Additionally he has been receiving formula through bottle feeding.
ASLC recently shared an update on Facebook stating that the walrus continues to eat and remains alert. They also mentioned his weight being 140 pounds.
In another update it was revealed that the walruss infection is more severe than initially anticipated and he has health challenges. However ASLC is committed to providing him with top notch care while maintaining optimism, about his progress.
The walrus is not currently available, for viewing. There are plans to move it to a more accessible area once its condition improves.
We appreciate your effort in rescuing this walrus. Lets hope for a recovery! If you have a spot, for animals please help spread this news! ❤️