Mother Dog Seen Chasing After A Truck With Her Rescued Puppies

A litter of pups were found living in a construction site under a pile of wood by a group of people, who called their friend, Karlee, who is a dog rescuer for help.

Karlee went to the scene with water and food trying to lure the pups out. Fortunately, all the pups were caught and taken to Karlee's home, but Karlee and some other rescuers came the next few days to the same scene to catch their mama.

After seeing how skittish the mama was, one of the rescuers had a great idea to make catching the mama dog easier. He put the puppies in his truck and let the mama dog notice them. He then drove to Karlee's home and he was being followed by the mama dog.

To keep the mama dog hydrated, they gave her some water every 2 miles. The plan worked greatly, and the mama dog finally reunited with her pups. Thanks to Karlee and the other rescuers who saved this doggy family. How awesome! Watch the video below.

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