Mama Owl With Infertile Eggs Was So Excited To See Babies In Her Nest

This story speaks about Snickers, a female owl, whose material instincts always kick in during baby season every year. The owl, who lives Liberty Wildlife, does not have a mate to fertilize the eggs, but she just tends to them carefully!

Fortunately, the fate gave Snickers exactly what she has always dreamed of as 2 orphaned owl chicks arrived at the organization, when they were only a few days old. The rescuers knew exactly what they should do to take care of the chicks by giving them to Snickers to be their new mamma.

To make the owl believe that that the new chicks were hers, they took her away from her nest, replaced the eggs with the chicks, and returned her back to see what she would do! Without wasting any time, Snickers started talking back to the chicks to let them know that they were safe with her!

Snickers then decided to show the chicks how much she loves them by jumping into her nest and spread her wings over them! It was a great way to tell them that she would protect them from anything. Needless to say, that the chicks were also more than happy to have a mamma to take care of them. How awesome! Watch the video below.

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