Zoo Celebrates The Birth Of Baby White Rhino Calf On Cristmas Evening
This years Christmas was truly special, for the staff at Zoo Atlanta as they joyously celebrated the arrival of a white rhinoceros making it the first ever birth of its kind at the zoo.
As per a statement Kiazi, a 22 year rhino mother gave birth to her calf on December 24th creating a historic moment just in time for Christmas at Zoo Atlanta.
The veterinary teams are diligently monitoring both the mother and her newborn assuring that the baby rhino appears to be healthy and strong. Kiazi is providing care to her offspring. While this is Kiazis birth at Zoo Atlanta she has previously given birth to two calves in organizations.
Raymond B. King, president and CEO of the zoo expressed excitement about Kiazis calf being born. The news of this awaited birth has brought joy to many within the Zoo Atlanta family. The zoo staff had initially detected Kiazis pregnancy during springtime. It is worth noting that white rhinos have one of the gestation periods in the animal kingdom, which typically ranges from 16 to 18 months.
The father of this calf is a 12 year male named Mumbles who was paired with Kiazi back in 2022 based on recommendations from the AZA White Rhino Species Survival Plan. This plan aims to maintain an genetically diverse population, for this species.
Southern white rhinos, the species of rhino can weigh, between 100 and 150 pounds when they are born. Despite their name white rhinos are not actually white in color.
While the southern white rhinoceros is not currently endangered it is classified as "Near Threatened" by the IUCN. These magnificent creatures are vulnerable to poaching due to their prized horns. In fact they were on the brink of extinction by the century but have made a remarkable comeback thanks to conservation efforts.
On the hand several other species of rhinos face endangerment and are at risk of becoming extinct. The zoo hopes that the arrival of this newborn will raise awareness about conservation and inspire people to take action.
The connection that our members and guests can establish with Kiazi and her calf is incredibly special. This connection has the potential to drive conservation initiatives. All species of rhinos currently face threats in their habitats and as caretakers of this adorable new ambassador here in Atlanta we have a responsibility to educate people about the plight faced by wild rhinos.
Kiazi and her newborn have been bonding privately behind the scenes; soon they will join rhinos in their habitat at the zoo.
This birth is news for Zoo Atlanta as it marks only the second time in their 134 year history that a baby rhino has been born. The previous instance was back, in 2013 when an eastern black rhino arrived into this world.
Zoo Atlanta has also welcomed an addition, to their family; Dakari, a 17 year female southern white rhino. In October she joined Mumbles as part of the species survival plan, which means we may have calves, in the future!
Lets give a congratulations to Kiazi and Zoo Atlanta for the arrival of this baby southern white rhino! Don't forget to share this news with everyone! 🦏❤️