A goat called Sid starts his search for a cow called Rem whenever the sun sets in Byron, New York. At Mockingbird Farm Sanctuary, the cow and the goat have been best friends for more than 10 years, they even sleep together every night.
The executive director and founder of the sanctuary, Jonell Chudyk, said that when Rem and Sid were living in a shelter with no adequate protection from the elements, their friendship began. Rem is used as a giant heating pad by the senior goat, Sid, to keep warm during the water. But when they were rescued, both animals cuddle together to provide each other with love, safety, and comfort.
In 2019, Sophie, a Holstein cow, was rescued from the same farm, where Sid and Rem were living. The original owner had some bad time, so, Chudyk's vet told her to take care of Sophie, Sid, and Rem. Sophie was the first one that was rescued in 2019, and Sid and Rem were rescued in the following year.
When Sid and Rem were brought to Mockingbird, all of could not hold their happiness as Sid really jumped four feet in the air. Since then, the relationship between the 3 animals have been so great.
As they were all living in a very bad condition, they needed special care, especially Sid, who was set on a diet to gain some weight. How awesome! Watch the video below.
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