Senior Deaf Dog Who Spent Two Years In Shelter Begs Passersby To Give Him Home
The heartwarming tale of Snoopy, a dog, with impaired hearing touches our emotions deeply. After spending 653 days in a shelter Snoopys story showcases the desire of a dog to find a home.
Julie, a designer from Washington state shares with us the narrative of Snoopy. She dedicates her time as a volunteer at the Ben Franklin Humane Society in Kennewick, where Snoopy currently resides.
Throughout the couple of years Julie has formed a bond with Snoopy witnessing his journey filled with obstacles and small triumphs.
Snoopys adventure began when he was surrendered to the shelter due to his diagnosis of Cushings Disease—a condition that affects his vision and hearing— one year
Despite his hearing loss Snoopys spirit remains unbroken. He finds comfort in gnawing on blankets and objects within his kennel as part of his routine.
In months Julies connection with Snoopy has grown stronger leading to an attachment between them.
Snoopys resilient character shines through despite the challenges he faces. While he gets along well with humans he struggles to get along with dogs. The joy radiating from him when he is let out of his kennel is truly infectious; it feels like every day is the day ever, for him.
Snoopy has needs. Doesn't require intense activities or long walks. All he really wants is to enjoy the sun in the backyard with his companions.
The shelter community has generously provided Snoopy with toys and donations to support him.
A hearted person noticed that Snoopys kennel only had a blanket so they arranged for a comfy orthopedic cot to be sent to him.
Sydney, who works at the shelter has formed a bond with Snoopy as he is her dog.
Despite some health concerns Snoopys prognosis looks promising thanks to the medication hes taking. The vet believes he still has years ahead of him. Treating Cushings disease can be costly, with vet visits and various medications.
Considering Snoopys age and specific needs this financial burden might discourage adopters.
Many people hesitate to adopt a dog with health issues because they worry about having them for a short time due to their health. Julie expresses her desire to adopt Snoopy even though she already has two dogs.
When placed in foster care Snoopy got a break, from the shelter.
He had to go to the sanctuary because the arrangement didn't work out. Snoopy has only had one opportunity to meet an adopter in his 653 days, at the shelter. They planned a meeting. The person interested in adopting him didn't show up.
Snoopys story is a reminder of the challenges faced by dogs and those with special needs in shelters.
Despite his health issues and spending a time at the shelter Snoopys spirit remains unbroken.
Snoopys journey is far from over. We still hope that he will find a loving home where he can spend his years.
Snoopys story should inspire us all to show compassion and understanding for all animals those with needs.
Take a moment to watch the video below for insights, into Snoopys life!