Sleeping Dog Melts Hearts Of Millions When Letting Baby Goats Use Him For Jumping Practice

It is known that Great Pyrenees dogs haul equipment and guard at night because they are hard workers. They usually sleep during the day as they need rest after their hard work. However, one Great Pyrenees dog just wanted to sleep no matter if it a chaos is around him.

The dog does his job during the night by guarding other animals like goats and the farmers. So, when it is day he wants to sleep too, but the goats just want to play as they have great energy to burn so they keep playing, jumping, and running. They just do not want to play all alone, but want to play with the Great Pyrenees dog.

No matter if he is sleeping, the baby goats started jumping over his body and around him. They also checked if he was still breathing, smelled him and ran around him. You can see in the video below that the dog is not bothered by the baby goats despite being very tired and wanted to sleep.

He actually loves making the baby goats happy and absolutely the attention. One adorable moment in the video is when the guard dog raised his head and turned to face 2 baby goats, who seemed talking about their next plan. Once they saw him, they directly ran off, but when the dog went back to sleep they came back to play with him. How adorable! Watch the video below.

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