Couple Makes Every Effort Not To Foster Failed Pit Bull That They Rescued From Euthanasia
When Katharine discovered that Simon, a Pit bull was scheduled for euthanasia she and her boyfriend Cody decided to foster him of adopting a dog. Katharine and Cody already have Bubby, who was previously used as bait.
Since both dogs had challenging pasts and weren't properly socialized Katharine had concerns, about how they would interact. Would they share toys. Get along with her? However her worries were unnecessary because "something just clicked" between the two dogs and they became friends.
For two weeks Katharine tried to resist getting too attached to Simon. However every time she attempted to write a post about putting him up for adoption she couldn't. Cry.. When Cody and Katharine witnessed Simon playing with Bubby at the beach for the time they knew they couldn't part ways with him!
Watch this heartwarming video below that captures Simons journey from his freedom ride, to his adoption day;
It's hard to label it as a " fail" when you witness Simon finding the family for him!