16 Year Old Horse Gives Birth Of Two Gorgeous Babies
It's truly an event when a horse gives birth to babies. Take a moment. Delve into the story that follows.
A remarkable incident occurred when a 16 year old American Paint horse named Tiki became pregnant, with twins. This occurrence is incredibly rare even if it may not seem significant to some. The ultrasound confirmed the presence of twins, which took everyone by surprise.
When Tiki went into labor she delivered an 86 pound stallion foal named Woodcock Pocket followed by a 59 pound filly named Charming Opal 10 minutes later. Despite being smaller, in size the filly proved her strength surpassing that of the stallion.
It's common for mothers to abandon one of their baby foals. Tiki defied this norm by taking care of both her babies showcasing motherhood skills!