Golden Retriever Has A Seizure Then His Friend Tackles Him To The Ground
If you're not convinced that dogs are amazing take a look, at this heartwarming story and video;
Laker, a retriever has been dealing with seizures since he was 3 months old. The diagnosis of seizures came when Laker was 6 months old after seeing a specialist in dog neurology.
He started taking medication to manage his seizures, which has helped in controlling them. Sometimes he experiences episodes of running and crying with confusion, known as psychomotor seizures.
Recently I bought a Furbo dog camera. It captured the moment when Roxy, a Catahoula cur breed dog intervened to stop one of Lakers episodes. Despite not being trained for situations, Roxy and Laker share a bond that is truly remarkable. They look out for each other during the day.
Share an affection for one another. Roxys protective nature towards everyone, in the household explains why she comes to Lakers aid making it both expected yet heartwarming and surprising at the time.