Starving Dog Wants To Take Food From Woman's Hand, But Her Owners Refused.

Lamyai, a poor dog, who was living in a makeshift area, that was a nearly collapsing building. She frequently spent her time beneath a poorly built foundation.

The dog, who was very thin, was completely afraid of the rescuers who came to help her. It was obvious that she had been neglected by humans. It was clear that she survived on dirt, rocks and scraps as she was not fed much.

Anyway, the rescuers continued to call her to come but no avail. So, they decided to lure her with food. When Lamyai saw the food, she poked her head out and took the treat, she was then given some space to be able to see that they were not going to hurt her.

The dog then slowly emerged, but she then went back underneath the foundation as she was not sure what to do. However, some soft words by the rescuers let her come out but when the rescuer wanted to pick her up, she ran away.

However, the dog, who had advanced skin disease and was so skinny need an immediate care. Thankfully, the rescuer was able to wrap her in a blanket after more than an hour.

What made the story full of sadness was that Lamyai had owners! That's when they were told that Lamyai was not their problem anymore! The dog was directly taken to the vet clinic to be examined.

When the veterinarian saw her, he directly put in an IV for hydration, and ran some tests by taking blood. The vet found that she had anima that was so severe. So, they gave her blood transfusions to save her as her platelets and blood cells were extremely low. Thankfully, she is now getting better by days. We all hope that she will find a forever home once she is completely healed.

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