Crying Baby Orangutan Raised In A Chicken Cage, Receives Love After Years Of Neglect

This story speaks about a baby orangutan called Budi, who miraculously survived living more than 10 months inside a chicken crate!

Dr. Karmele L. Sanchez, International Animal Rescue program director, said that imagining the pain that the baby animal has suffered is not an option! It was obvious that he was sad and in pain!

The baby orangutan was first taken in by IAR’s Orangutan Rescue Center in Indonesia after the authorities received a call from a citizen, who told them that she wanted to hand the baby orangutan she’d been keeping as a pet, who’d spent approximately a year inside a chicken crate with nothing to drink but condensed milk.

When Budi arrived at IAR, it was obvious that he was severely malnourished as his body was so weak and the protein inside it was so low! Thankfully, he’s being treated for anemia and some other illnesses, and he is on his way to recover. What a miracle! Watch the video below.

Budi the 10 month old orangutan who had been kept in a chicken cage and feed on condensed milk for the whole of his live. He is now safe and making a recovery at IBritish charity nternational Animal Rescue centre in Kentapang Borneo.

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