Imagine that you live your entire life in a prison, it is really disappointed, is not it? Animals also have the same feelings when they forced to live in one place the whole life. And this story speaks about one of these animals.

Mufasa, a mountain lion, was forced to live the whole life in the back of an old truck, which travels the cities in Peru which is known as "traveling roadside circus"
If the animal is "interesting" or "cool", that doesn't mean it should live his life just to entertain people.
Just like Mufasa, that was chained for more than 20 years, and forced to live a life that he hated, there are many animals that forced to live in small cages, just to entertain people.
But everything has changed in 2015, when Mufasa was rescued by Animal Defenders International. They caught him when they worked to close the Peruvian circus, that he was with. He will never be forced to live a life that he doesn't want, he finally has the chance to live as what he wants. Watch the video below.
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