Man High On Drugs Batters Helpless Stray Dog, He Sheds Real Tears When Sees Rescuers
by Petneeds Admin
It’s hard when it comes to stray animals, they struggle every day. It's sorrowful that many countries that don't have laws against animal cruelty. A highly drugged man beat multiple times a stray dog and caused her life-threatening injuries.

When the poor dog, Leona, merely a baby was laying helplessly on the sidewalk waiting for somebody to save her. Leona was in very bad shape, she had badly injured legs, infected ears, and balance issues.
Fortunately, someone found her and took her to the vet. Leona was in a lot of pain, and she was in need for a surgery to survive. She was given IV pain medication immediately. The poor Leona was actually cried real tears, however luckily, her surgery went very well.
Leona's recovery went very fast; however, it might take time. Now, she is with a devoted caregiver (and animal rescuer) who wants to find her the kindly home.
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