Boxer Dog Left To Die In Concrete Hole, Found By 6-Year-Old Girl Who Bravely Saved Her
by Petneeds Admin
A 6-year-old girl stumbled upon a concrete hole in the ground while she was playing near her home in the United Kingdom.

She found a dog when she decided to have a closer look into the hole in the Waterside area of Londonderry. The dog, who was thrown into the hole to pass away among the waste and sludge, was with cracked teeth, emaciated, and blind.
So, the girl directly went home and told her dad to follow her to the hole. The father, Kenny, and his daughter, Cara, rescued the dog and took her home before contacting The Rainbow Rehoming Centre, that rehomes and rescues homeless and abandoned dogs and cats.
The dog, that was named Bella, got the medical care and love she needed. The veterinarians at the center knew that she was totally blind and she could not birth puppies anymore as she had been used for breeding.
They then realized that Bella was affectionate, loving, and gentle despite what happened with her. Her story was shared online and directly went viral among the animal lovers all over the world.
She was then moved to a foster home to stay until she found a forever home. Thankfully, her forever family stepped in after seeing her pictures and adopted her in 2014.
Unfortunately, she died in 2015 in peace with her loving family. At least, she died in her forever home despite being abandoned for too long.
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