Artist Devastated By The Death Of His Dog : "A Piece Of My Body Had Been Ripped Out"
by Petneeds Admin
Dani Rovira has said goodbye to his dog Buyo through a publication on Instagram where he has dedicated some emotional words to his "soul friend" . The comedian has shared some photographs of his dog along with a text in which he says goodbye to him and tells him how much he is going to miss him.

"Companero, today you have broken my soul into a thousand pieces. You have decided that it was time to say goodbye. And in tears I surrender these words to you." Thus begins the dedication in which Dani Rovira is deeply affected by the death of his dog, Buyo, from him.
Next, the actor recalls their first meeting and the day they adopted him from an animal shelter: "It seems like it was yesterday when we decided to get you out of the shelter and give you a chance. And you, always unwittingly, gave me the opportunity to my". He shares that he feels broken, "as if a piece of his own body had been ripped off," and hopes, likewise, that he has taken good care of him during the years of his life.
Finally, he expresses his hope that he is in a place where "there are millions of balls and stuffed animals to destroy and run around" and finally says goodbye with the following words: "I love you with all my being, my soul friend. I love you. You are part of my story and I of yours. I hope one day I will become the person you saw in me. "
Dani Rovira has always shown himself as a person who fights for animal welfare. What's more, he has the Ochotumbao Foundation that he, together with Clara Lago , founded to "get resources and give visibility to associations that fight for people, animals and the environment."
In fact, with his show 'ODIO' , which he presented on stages in various Spanish cities and which premiered on Netflix, he raised thousands of euros for non-profit associations in Malaga .
In it, he also shows his love for animals by spending a few minutes telling an anecdote about his other dog, Carapapa, which went viral on social networks and with which he conveys a moral about life.